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THE WORLD OF CONSTANT CONNECTION // 2(90)2021        Buying preferred packages/services
                                                     and automatic update
‫ڗ ڑڒڑڊڍڊڒ ڔڝ ڋڎ ښڊڟڣڊ‬
‫ڒ ڔڒڌڗ ڐڊڍڒڔ ڝڎ‬                                  The application also enables you to
‫ڊ ڞ ښڒڏڥڒڑڝڦ‬                                       browse through, select, take advantage
‫ڒڕڗ ړڒڑ ڌڊڕڊڒڛ‬                                    of offers, and buy sales packages,
‫ڍڊښڝڔڊڕڒ ڛڟڊڕ‬
‫ ڛڒڋڎږڛڋڗ ڔڒڍڤ‬                                        products, and services from Magti. To
‫ڊڒ ڤڟڊڐ ږڊښڜڒ ښڎڒڕ‬                                 ensure the continuity of your services,
‫ ڕڗڕڊڍڒ ڏڒ ڜښڊڕ‬                                      just turn on the automatic updates
‫ښڗڕڎڐ ڔڎ ڋڎښڊڕڨ‬
‫ڛڗڍڊ ڨڊڌڒڔڝ ڋڎڌ‬                                        option — after the expiration of your
ଁ‫ڒڔڝ ڋڎ ښڏڗڛڨڊ ڕڊڍ‬                                     services, they will be updated to
‫ڊڒ ڤڟڊڐ ږڊښڜ૿ڑڒ ڑڊ ښڊڋ‬                                 carry on uninterruptedly without
‫ڒ ڏڒ ڜ ښڊڕڗ ښڞڝڏڎ ڍڒړ‬
‫ڊڕ ړڊڛڊڒڔڒ ږڟڗڕڊڍ‬                                       any action required on your part.
‫ڐږڊښڜڗړ ږڊ ڋڊڛڊڒ ڛڒښ‬                                    You can also buy packages and
‫ڛڒڋڎ ڔ ڎڒ ڤښڗڨ ږڊڌڛ ڒڒ ڤڟڊ‬                             services, and activate automatic
‫ڊڋଁڑڗ ږڢڒږڗڕڌڎڍ ڕڎڢ‬
‫૿ڊ ڋڎ ښڏڗڛڨڊ ڕڊڍڛڒ ڑڊښ‬                                    updates, for numbers saved in
‫ڑڒ ڑڊ ښڊڋڒڢڕڗ ڌڍ ڕڎڢڊڍ‬                                     your application.
‫ڏڎ ڍڒړڒڛڎڤڗښژڛڒڍ ڨڊ ڍڊڌ‬
‫ڒ ښڎڒ ڛڒڡڕڊڍڒ ڞڊ ښڦڛڗښڞڝ‬                                    Choosing or mixing Cocktail
‫ڊ ڋڎڍ ڨڊڌ‬
                                                                         Cocktail is a combination
‫ڛڒ ڋڎ ڜڎړڊژڒ ڔڎڏښڝڛڊڛ‬                                         of various services: voice,
‫ڊڍڊږڎڥڎڢڛڒڋڎڛڒڏښڎڛ‬                                               SMS, and mobile internet
‫ڊ ڋڎڔڨڊږڊڌڍڊښڝڜڊڕڗ ڜڏڊ‬
                                                                            services. The application
‫ڥڊ ڛڎڢڑڒڋ ڗڎ ڏڢڎڕڛ ڒڒڤڊړڒ ڔ ژڊ‬                                offers a choice between
‫ڊ ڑڎڢڊ ڔڎڏڡڛڒڑ ڌڊڕڊڒ ڔڎڋڎڔ‬
‫ڝڑڛڒ ڜڟڝ ڍڗښژڛ ڒڒ ڤڟڊڛڒڋڎ ڐڊڏ‬                                        buying one of the
‫ڗږ ڤڊڌڊ ڋڎ ښڎڒ ڔڊ ڏ ڑڊڍڛڒ ڛڒ ڏښڎڛ‬                                           ready-to-use
‫ڊږڎ ڥڎڢڛڒ ڔڎ ڏښڝ ڛڊڛڊڍڊڏڎ ڣښڊڊڋ‬                                              Cocktails or
‫ڒ ڢڊ ڋڎڠڒڕڛڒ ڛڒ ڏښڎڛڕڗښڑښڝڛڌڝڑ‬                                                  think outside
‫ڏڊڑڊڒڔ ڥڒ ڌڎڢڑڎڍ ږڗڟڌښڊڊ ڜڎ ڏڡڦ‬                                              the box and
‫ښڊڣڛ ڒڒ ڤڟږڝڞڛڒڋڎڔڨڊ ږڊڌڒښڝڜڊڕڗڜ‬                                           put together a
‫ڛڒ ڏښڝڦڗڕڊڛڒڍڊڏڛڒ ڛڒ ڏ ښڎڛڊڍڊ ڏڑ‬
‫ڒ ڑڒڋڎڜڊ ڕڊڍڒ ښڊڏڌ ڔڎ ڏڗڡڌڎڍ ڕڎڢ‬                                          package of your
‫ڜڎ ڏ ڡڦڝڒ ڛڒ ڏ ښڎڛڎ ڢڎ ښڊڌڛڒ ڋڎ ڍڎڕڟ‬                                      own. Based on
‫ڊڍڒڋڎڜڎ ړڊژڊ ڋڎڍڔڎ ڥښ ڌڊڌڒڢ ڕڒ ڙڎښ‬                                     your experience
‫ڊڍڑڗږڒڥ ڝڎڢڑڊڒڔ ڥڒ ڌڎڢڒڋڎ ڛڒ ڏښڎڛ‬                                       and behavioral
‫ڊڣڊڋڎڔڎ ڥښ ڌڊڌڒښڝڜڊڕڗ ڜڏڊڎ ڏڎڛڊ‬                                        pattern, it is your
‫ڔڝڋڎڜڊ ڕڊڍڒ ڢ ڊڒڤڊړڒ ڔژڊڑڗ ڑښڝ‬                                          judgement call to
‫ڤڊ ڛ ڋڎښڕڗږ‬                                                                     figure out how many
                                                                                    megabytes, minutes,
‫ڊږ ڕ ڟڎڢږڊڊڏڎڣښڊڛڒڔ ڒڎ ڜڟڗړ‬                                           or SMS you use a day,
                                                                                  week, or month, to
‫ڛڒ ڛڒ ڏ ښڎڛڊڏڨ ڛڊ ڍڊڏڨڛڒ ڔڒڎ ڜڟڗړ‬                                  find that golden mean
૶‫ڒښڝڜ ڛڟڎڜڎڔړڗڕڒ ږڊڏڗڕڨ‬                                             without overpaying or
‫ڒښڝ ڔڒ ڋڗڕڊڍڛڒڋڎ ږڒ ڋڗڡ ڜڎڢ‬                                          underpaying. You can
‫ ڕڗړڛڒ ڋڎښڝڨڊڛڕڗڕڜڎ ږښڎڜږڒ‬                                        set up your individual
‫ڊڝ ڢڊڛڊڒڤڊړڒ ڔژڊڊ ڊڒڤڊ ږڒڋ‬                                        daily, weekly, or
‫ڊڐڕڑڗڒ ڣ ښڊڊڊڏڎڔڥڒڛڊڋڎڔ‬                                            monthly package with a
‫ڒ ڔڎ ڏښڝڛڊڛږڊ ڍڒڋڎ ڔڒڎ ڜڟڗړ‬                                      combination of options
‫ڍڊڒڔڝښڛڑڗ ڔ ڋڎ ڌ ښڊڛڒږڊ‬                                            for yourself or your loved
                                                                           ones. It is also possible
                                                                           to assign a name to your
                                                                          favorite Cocktail and store it
                                                                         in your Magti app.

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