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THE WORLD OF CONSTANT CONNECTION // 2(90)2021                   x Picking a number of your choice

‫ڒ ڔڗ ښڊژڑڗ ڔڊڏ ڤڎڢڑڊڒڔ ڥڒ ڌڎڢ‬                       x Joining the network: selected number
‫ږڊڨڊڔڨڊڔڝڛ‬MyMagti‫ڒ ڔڊڨڊڊڜڊ ڕ ڎڊڍڛڒ‬                    together with the contract
‫ڒڋڎ ڛڒ ڏښڎڛ‬
                                                                x Number porting
‫ڒڛڒڏښڎڛڛڒ ڑڎ ڏړڎڢږ ڒڊڔږڗ‬
                                                                x Changing your SIM card and ordering a
‫ڒڤږڊڜ ڛڒڍڑڏڎڔ ڥڊڌڛڊڋڎ ڔڊڝ ڢڊڛڊڒڤڊړڒ ڔ ژڊ‬        spare
‫ڛڒڔ ڕڗښڊ ڋڎښڝڨڊڛ ڕڗڕڒ ڑڎڛڒڑڗ ڠ ڒڒڕڍڊښڝ‬
‫ڎڋڎ ڔڒ ڤڝڊڗڡڒڊ ڔڏ ڛڒڕڒڢ ڛڒڞڗږڒڦڝڤڊ ڛڒڏڑ‬          x Ordering a remote control
‫ڍڗ ڥښڎړڒڔ‬
                                                                x Ordering a Wi-Fi modem.
x ‫ڊڏڎ ڣ ښڎڢڛڒښڕڗږڒ ڔڎ ڏښڝڛڊڛ‬
x ‫ڎ ڠڒڕڛڒښڕڗږڒڔڝڎ ڣ ښڎڢ૶ڊ ڏ ڑ ښڊڣڒڢڔڎ ڛڟ‬    All you need to do to enjoy these services is
                                                                download the MyMagti application — unless
  ‫ڍڊ ڑښڎږڊڑ ڛڊڋڎڔڝښ ړڎڢ ڔڎڨڊڋ‬                       you already have one — then choose a
x ‫ڊ ڋڎ ښڒ ڜ ښڗژ‬                                           product to your liking, fill in the required
x SIM‫ړڎڢڛڗ ڌڒ ښڊ ڍڊڑڊڛږڊڊ ڔڏ ڤڎڢڛڒ ڑڊ ښڊڋ‬      fields (address, contact information, and
                                                                others), pay the fee, and confirm your
  ‫ڊ ڑڎڏ‬                                                       request. A few days later, a courier will
x ‫ڊ ڑڎڏ ړڎڢڛڒڜڔڝژڛڒڒ ڐڒڏڎڔڎڜ‬                       deliver your product to your doorstep.
x WiFi‫ڊ ڑڎڏ ړڎڢڛڒ ڕڎڍڗڕ‬                                Courier services operate throughout the
‫ڒښڊڕ ړڊڛڍڊ ڋڎڠڊ ڛڒڕڛڒڋڎ ڛڒ ڏ ښڎڛڒڔڝ ږڢڒږ ڠڊ‬
‫ڗ ڕڊڣڑڏ ڟڊڌښڊڎڏړڝڝڑڑڗ ڑ ښڒڏڜڗ ڕڊڣڊڒڛ‬
‫ڊڒڤڊړڒ ڔژڊڒڔڝ ڑ ښڒڏڜ‬MyMagti,‫ڑڗڒ ڣ ښ ڊڎڢ‬
‫ڗ ښڒڧڊڛڑڗ ڛ ڏ ڊڎڢڒ ڜڟڝ ڍڗښژڒ ڔڎ ڏښڝڛڊڛ‬
‫ڢڊڊڍڗ ڜڟڊڜږڗ ړڊڛڒ ڑښڊڕڊ ڛڒڕڒڋڎ ڔڎڏ‬

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